“Research in Motion’s Playbook tablet computer launched in almost-empty sores on Tuesday, in a far cry from the frenzy that accompanies the debut of anything from rival Apple... RIM shares were down 2.2% at $53.62 on the Nasdaq.” (Apr. 20 London Free Press)
Yesterday my wife was given a free pen at our local bank. She has a deskfull. She gave it to me.
It matches my three notepads beautifully.
The notepads, total cost under three bucks, are perfect for me. When I think of an idea, I write it down. When I want to communicate with someone, I jot them a note. Birdhouse idea? I sketch it. New song? I scribble it down.
Online research? On my iMac at home, with a cup of freshly brewed coffee. (Coffee - less than 10 cents per large mug).
I think I'm set for life.
RIM shares down.
Money in my wallet, holding steady.
(Live small and prosper, eh).
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