Thursday, August 28, 2014

Bird Watching

Hooray! An Empty Feeder!

When a squirrel (especially a singularly-large athletic one that often jumps from a spruce bough and onto the roof of my feeder, then eats all the bird seed) now looks at my bird feeder from its favourite perch it will notice a huge modification to the roof, i.e., a fan-like apparatus that blocks its flight line.

If it looks at the feeder from the fence on my deck it will see the same ingenious 'foil-the-squirrel system'. It will hopefully feel deep disappointment and go back home.

I know how I felt when I looked out the door of my shop yesterday afternoon and didn't see the squirrel sitting down for its five-o'clock meal!

"Yes! Gotchya this time, ya weasel!" I shouted. Then I did three laps in a nearby parking lot.

Link to Bird Watching

Photos GH

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