Wednesday, August 27, 2014

It Strikes Me Funny

The Old Dusty Hat Came Back

My wife has said more than once I should get a new hat for the workshop. When I couldn't find it the other day I thought she had taken matters into her own hands and I said as much. She denied any crime against me and my hat. (I later found it under a well-worn dusty flannel shirt beside the back door).

Admittedly, the old hat looks like it has seen better days. And so it has. However, a new one would soon get just as grimy and dusty, so why spend money when I can keep a bit of sun and dust off what's left of my hair with a model that feels like home?

It also feels right for me. Past some kind of due date.

What do you hang onto that's seen better days?

Link to It Strikes Me Funny

Photo GH

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