Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Scotland 2014 Photos: Faint Footsteps

Last Full Day in Edinburgh - Sunday, October 26

["The old chap chants for charity"]

I walked a lot of miles on this day, didn't get lost more than one or two times and made my 3 PM appointment to go underground, i.e., under the current city's main streets to see remnants of Old Edinburgh. If I recall correctly I ate lunch at Howie's and supper at Rabbie's and was back at my apartment by 9 PM, dog tired. I quickly tidied my luggage for an early trip to Inveraray with Geoff and Margaret Slee. Then slept like a rock.

["Early Sunday morning I found this simple, profound entreaty"]

The next five photos are of three subjects jammed side by each. So much of interest is found so close together I ended the day with 198 photos and several videos:

 ["Looks like a nice place for supper"]

["I found many rare single malts within, and bought
one for my 'workshop whisky sipping' group"]

I walked away from The Castle, downhill toward Hollyrood Park then uphill toward the top of Calton Hill and Admiral Horatio Nelson's monument. A sterling walk.

 ["Edinburgh Castle, at centre horizon line"]

 [Nelson's Monument, erected by 'the grateful citizens of
Edinburgh... to teach their sons to emulate what they admire,
and, like him, when duty requires it, to die for their country']

["A wide view of Hollyrood"]

Lunch at Howie's, followed by an underground tour:

 ["On the menu - tatties w gravy, haddies and haggis. Arrsum!"]

 ["Remnants of these buildings are underground on Mary King's Close"]

["If you got 'em, smoke 'em. Goodnight, Edinburgh"]

Lovely, narrow streets are everywhere. Some lead me home past quaint shops. News and loud snoring at eleven.

Link to Scotland 2014 Photos

Photos GH

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