Though we will find ourselves in many predicaments in the near future, the greatest will be because of climate change. Our role in our own demise is now and will be indisputable.
Catch-44, progress trap, greedy monkey and countless other terms, I’m sure, will be used to describe our inability to solve a solvable problem.
It seems, though “our only rational policy is not to risk provoking it” (i.e., the near-perfect climate in which 6.7 billion of us live), we poke it with a sharp stick - our motive relates to greed in many instances - at almost every opportunity.
I concluded Pt 4 by asking, “Will humankind suffer through vast changes associated with climate change with its greedy fist caught in a trap of its own making?”
Though I said ‘no’ when wondering aloud if we are like a greedy monkey (we are far worse than any monkey), I say ‘yes’ to the above.
Consider humankind’s carbon emissions related to its pursuit of what many call the essentials of life, i.e., food, clothing and shelter, as well as a few systems upon which we have grown dependent, i.e., transportation, communication and recreation. (There are others, of course. There is no end to our pursuits).
About Canada I would say the following:
On average, bellies are getting bigger. Unnecessarily so.
Closets are getting bigger. Unnecessarily so.
Homes are getting bigger. Unnecessarily so.
The number of cars per capita is growing. Comfort and convenience wins over conservation.
The number of electronic communication devices is growing. Convenience wins again.
The number of recreational opportunities is growing. And no one plays checkers anymore.
Related carbon emissions are growing.
According to recent news, ‘countries that signed (the Kyoto Protocol in 1997) were supposed to cut their emissions from 1990 levels, but Canada’s have risen 24%.’ (Dec. 7, London Free Press)
The Canadian government allows emissions to grow.
So do so many other governments on planet Earth. So, climate change advances. Total calories, cotton shirts, square feet per person, cars, cells and play times advance further.
Will we slow the amassing of material goods for the sake of the present and any future generations?
Not at this time. Methinks our greed will not allow it.
Catch-44. Progress trap. Greedy monkey. All apply.
We may be at the point when only a series of major economic set backs or environmental disasters will force us to release our tight grip on a multitude of sweet treasures of so little value when compared to life itself.
Intriguing times we live in, aren’t they?
For context, please read the first four parts of Catch-44, the progress trap, and the greedy monkey.
Part 1 here.
Part 2 here.
Part 3 here.
Part 4 here.
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