As usual, I have more ideas and words than the paper has space.
For example, as I sit down in front of the computer I’m sure I can write 1,000 words about two competing ideas - and if Canada’s World Jr. Hockey team wasn’t playing the Czech Rep. right now I’d actually get started!
First idea - New York Buried Under Snow.
Sure, we’ve seen it all before - up to our armpits just two weeks ago - but snow stories hold excitement, drama, thrills, chills and spills.
Second idea - Gord Buys Snow Tires at Canadian Tire.
Excitement, drama, thrills, chills and spills? Well, maybe not as much but I did get spied upon by store security. Cool.
["I admit, I looked suspicious during my university days": GH 1969]
So, NY and snow, or CT and snow tires?
I think I’ll go with the CT drama because it’s so fresh in my mind, it’s local and in the end I saved over 100 bucks.
How’s that for a happy ending!
Please visit my most recent column here.
A new column appears on Thursday and the CT drama will appear the following Thursday.
Unless I’m in jail.
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