Master Planner, aka MP, and leader of the furry rodents that live in nearby trees and attics, is still stumped!
["Smack. One pole is down. No squirrel": photos GH]
He had his Etch-A-Sketch out early this morning, trying to figure out ways to get to my bird feeders, but with no success - for the last 2 or 3 days anyway.
Admittedly, in my opinion and likely in MP’s mind as well, it’s early days for my “beer can and clothesline pole” plan.
Right now I’ve got the poles supporting the lines with very little tension. When MP steps onto a clothesline one of the poles falls down.
["Smack. Another pole is down. MP ain't scared"]
Smack. He runs away, scared witless I suppose, and without any bird seed.
["MP isn't scared but the feeder is safe"]
If I hear the smack, I run to the back of the house and scare him away myself, if needed.
If I’m away when the pole falls and he isn’t scared, he has apparently been unable to get past the beer cans on the clothesline.
["MP won't look at me, but he's not done yet. I know it."]
But... and this is a big but... I know MP is thinking about that bird seed every waking minute.
Time for more beer cans?
Another Morning Smile here.
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