More snow. All the way from Georgian Bay too, in my humble opinion, based on wind direction.
["London's cheapest weather station - snow": photos GH]
Rather than saying, “fer cryin’ out loud, I just finished shovellin’ the stupid driveway,” I smiled to myself and reflected on the benefits of snow.
I came up with one within minutes.
It’s white and I like white. Loveliest colour around.
As many of you know, I’m sure, there are many other benefits of snow.
Don Janssen, an Extension Educator (whatever that is) says the following:
“One major benefit of a good snow cover is snow functions as an excellent insulator of the soil. Without snow, very cold temperatures can freeze the soil deeper and deeper. This could lead to damage of root systems of trees and shrubs.”
["Snow helps create delightful scenes"]
And he’s not even done yet.
“Without snow, milder temperatures and the sun could warm the soil surface, leading to damage from soil heaving, which can break roots and dry out plant parts.”

Don even says something from an artistic point of view:
“Evergreens may look much greener, especially when a bright red cardinal is sitting in them. Snow cover makes winter complete.” (Link to full article).
So, not only do we have weather here in London, it has benefits. Take that to the bank.
More about London’s Weather here.
How about a bright red cardinal in my feeder!
Just let me say that I enjoy snow much more from inside the house than outside. Right now I can look out the classroom windows (yup, school is open, no students)and the snow is gently falling and yes, it looks lovely.
This morning at 6am it looked kinda evil from my position at the front door watching Michael deal with it all.
Snow looks its most beautiful from inside my livingroom when I am warmly ensconced in my lazyboy, with the National Post, a Timmy's coffee in hand, the heating, vibrating pad going full blast behind me, an afghan over my knees whilst looking out through the sliding doors at 8am on a MONDAY morning:)
Very good perspective re snow's beauty, Jane.
I think this morning's snowfall was sent to test my love for winter. Three snow dams in the driveway; the largest from a truck's plow. two from the sidewalk plow.
So, first I went to see Ollie's singsong at school, then walked to the Roaster for coffee, then attacked the snow with malicious intent. Darn good exercise!! Another benefit.
I also took some cool photos which I'll put up after my hockey game.
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